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기독교 상담학 석사 학위 논문

A Study on Christian Counseling and Healing

기독교 상담과 치유에 관한 연구

Yeshua University and Theological Seminary

예슈아 대학교 신학대학원

 NOV. 2007

Hae In kang

 강  해   인

A Study on Christian Counseling and Healing


Hae In kang

A dessertation Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of  Christian Counseling

Yeshua University and Theological Seminary

NOV. 2007

Doctoral Commnittee:

Prof. Dr. Peter B. Hyun, Ph. D. (Chair)  ________________

Prof. Dr. Samuel Yun, Th. D.     ______________________

Prof. Dr. Kyu Neon Kim, Th. D.  ______________________

Prof. Dr. Ho Bin Gang. D.Miss.  _______________________

A Study on Christian Counseling and Healing

기독교 상담과 치유에 관한 연구

지도교수  : 강 호 빈 박사

이 논문을

기독교 상담학 석사 학위 논문 (Master of  Christian Counseling)으로 제출함.

2007년 11월 15일

예슈아 대학교 신학 대학원

Hae In Kang

강   해   인

인  준  서

 The Approval Sheet

Hae In Kang (강해인) 의 기독교 상담학 석사 (M.C.C.)의 학위 논문을 인준함

The dissertation of Master of  Christian Counseling is approved and acceptable in quality from:

주심   : 현베드로 박사

부심   : 윤사무엘 박사

                부심   : 김규년   박사

부심   : 강호빈   박사

예슈아 대학교 신학대학원

2007년 11월 15일


A study on Christian counseling and healing

Now, in the 21stcentury, as poverty in the midst of plenty is deepened, we have lost our neighbors in the gap of the material civilization running toward like a rabbit and the moral(spiritual) culture crawling like a tortoise, and the damaged persons who has lost their selves inside are rapidly increased, taking a ride in the contemporary cities, nuclear families and societies which prefer materials.

 Therefore, it is urgent that the service of pastoral duties in this contemporary society shall not only include pastoral duties for proclamation but also pastoral duties for hugging and wrapping up, holistic healing, Christian counseling and healing service for saving a life. In other words, it is time that sincerely requires pastoral duties for healing and counseling.

 In the Old Testament, human health was a royal gift from the Lord (Genesis 22:4, Acts of Apostles 40:27-31), so it was what Israelite royal disciples were firmly expecting along with material prosperity(Job40:10-11).

Prophets often gave an advice for the treatment of sick people (Samuel212:1-7), and also predicted the forthcoming disease.

 However, the disease was a spiritual matter to them, healing can be only expected when you regain the relationship with the Lord. In this way, the disease was considered as a punishment and a curse from the Lord, for you haven betrayed the Lord and nor followed his law.

  In the New Testament times, it was considered that eventually Jesus Christ died for the extermination of this kind of disease, as a person who realized the creative power of the Lord.

 Hence, the purpose of healing by Jesus Christ is a prayer for us to regain freedom and health with his touch of love. (Luke 5:12-13, Matthew 8:2-3, Mark1:40), as he considered the disease as an enemy from outside (anevilpower).

 Furthermore, he wanted to help people repen tof their own sins. However, Jesus Christ was never considered as in as the cause of a disease or the most significant one. Like this, it is possible to say that the purpose of healing service of Jesus Christ was to provide love for people, enmity for an evil power, and for help them repenting their sins.

  In addition, through the features of healing by Jesus Christ, they are first shown as a part of the proclamation of the Gospels, based on his recognition that he was the Messiah, that is, the Savior. Second, the miracles of healing show the victory of Jesus Christ against evils, which means they are the evidence that the new era in Heaven has arrived. Third, they show love and mercy of Jesus Christ, and allow the redemption with his grace. And fourth, he has come not just as a great healer for holistic healing to save only human souls, but for saving the entire human kind, so it gave an order to do healing service he has done in a continuous way.

  At the end of his service on the earth, Jesus Christ said to his disciples,“ Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these.” (John 14:12). In doing so, healing has gradually taken its place as an everyday service in early churches.

  As general counseling takes cont of human potentials and possibilities with the influence of humanism in general, and emphasizes the personal realization of an individual, the purpose of counseling lies on human-centered and earthly happiness of human beings.

  However, Christian counseling does not solely depend on humanistic happiness. Christian counseling leads the relier to building a relationship with Jesus Christ, and to cultivating the Christian values as a purpose in particular, which means the relier would have an appropriate relationship with the Lord, learn the merits of more abundant church service for the Lord, and do more efficient service for neighbors, in order to have mature personality as a Christian.

  Even when Jesus Christ healed physical problems, he usually said, “you are forgiven,” as a saint who mentioned about healing the inside and the spiritual world together, or in advance, so he showed how to heal not just a part but also the whole as one process.

  As the existing purpose, he solved a wound and a problem, but, in the end, he was aiming at redemption that fundamentally changes an individual’s life coordinates. Accordingly, it can be seen that Christian counseling goes deeper than psychological counseling of the earthly world, for it helps this life and life after death, body and soul, the outside and the inside all at the same time, in order for them to be perfect love (life), down to the spiritual dimension.

  Therefore, a person giving a Christian counseling will help the relier regain the spiritual relationship with the Lord in the process of this kind of counseling, improve the social relationship with neighbors, and let the relier himself/herself solve his/her own problem, in order to be blessed with the consolation and peace of one’s heart.

  Hence, through Christian counseling, the relier can make an appropriate relationship with Jesus Christ, experience the changes with the history of the Holy Spirit and Words, and learn a worldview to live for the glory of the Lord. (Colossians 1:28)

Likewise, Christian counseling can be defined as a process which helps people with “a counselor with an aid of theological background and the Holy Spirit, in order for one person to become more mature in Jesus Christ, find and understand himself/herself, and furthermore make him/her solve his/her own problem, in accordance with the principles of the Bible.

목       차

Ⅰ. 서  론  ........................................................................... 3

    A. 연구의 필요성과 목적 ..................................................... 3

    B. 연구의 범위와 방법  ...................................................... 5

Ⅱ. 기독교 상담의 정의와 의미  ................................................ 6

    A. 상담의 일반적 의미  ...................................................... 6

    B. 기독교 상담의 의미 ....................................................... 8

Ⅲ. 기독교 상담의 역사적 발달 과정  ......................................... 10

    A. 성경에 나타난 상담      .................................................. 10

    B. 현대 기독교 상담의 발달 과정  ......................................... 12


 Ⅳ. 기독교 상담의 특징        .................................................. 15

    A. 복음주의적 상담 원칙   ..................................................  15

    B. 기독교 상담 목회       ....................................................  17


Ⅴ. 기독교 상담의 기초     ......................................................  18

    A. 성경적 인간관       .......................................................  18

    B. 감정적 동물로서의 존재  ................................................  19

    C. 사회적 동물로서의 존재  ................................................  20

Ⅵ. 기독교 상담의 성경적 기초  ...............................................  21

    A. 상담의 성경적 기초     ..................................................  21

    B. 기독교 상담의 목표     ..................................................  22

    C. 기독교 상담의 중요성   .................................................  23

Ⅶ. 격려 상담       ...............................................................  26

    A. 격려 상담의 정의   ......................................................  26

    B. 격려 상담의 목표와 중요성  ..........................................  27

    C. 격려 상담의 조건           .............................................  28

    D. 격려시 언어 사용의 요령   ...........................................  30

Ⅷ. 권고 상담의 정의   .........................................................  32

    A. 권고 상담의 목표와 중요성  ..........................................  33

    B. 권고 상담의 3 요소     ................................................  34

Ⅸ. 성경 말씀을 적용시키는 요령  .........................................  35

    A. 상황에 합당한 성경말씀을 적용   ..................................  35

    B. 내담자에 필요한 성경말씀 적용   ..................................  36
