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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date Views
53 "A study on holistic pastoral counseling" - Hae Sook Park Admin 2015.12.22 1238
52 "Describe the Biblical purpose and attitude of pastor" - U.B. Admin 2015.12.22 2396
51 “A Study on God’s Kingdom by Jubilee appeared on Jesus Works and its impact on the church today” - Tae Shill Ha Admin 2015.12.09 1314
50 “A Study of Church growth through the God’s gifts” - Sarah Hyunhee Yang Admin 2015.12.09 1203
49 “A Study on Jesus and The tabernacle “ - Duk Woon Kwon Admin 2015.12.09 1348
48 “A study on Paul's Gospel implied in Acts chapter 26 verses 18” - Do Hoon Song Admin 2015.12.09 1231
47 “A Study of God's Righteousness with a focus on Paul's epistles” - Sook Sun Han Admin 2015.12.09 1255
46 “A Study on the Modern Church through the early house church” - Kwang Jin Kee Admin 2015.12.09 1076
45 “Describe the Biblical purpose and attitude of pastor” - Tae Shill Ha Admin 2015.12.09 1765
44 “Discuss the revelation of Yeshua in the Old and New Testaments” - Kwang Jin Lee Admin 2015.12.09 3616
43 “Discuss the Feasts of Yeshua" - Do Hoon Song Admin 2015.12.09 1188
42 “Discuss the revelation of Yeshua in the Old and New Testaments” - Sook Sun Han Admin 2015.12.09 293
41 The Mission Strategy of Indochina Peninsula - “인도 차이나 반도의 선교 전략” Admin 2015.12.09 193
40 정명희 박사 :카톡 "하나님의 특공대" Admin 2015.06.12 486
39 금란교회 설교 *2015-2018 *남북한의 통일과 예수님의 오심 - 현베드로 총장 Admin 2015.06.12 629
38 설교 *현 베드로 총장:중원에 정착한 "욕단"의 후예 에게 Admin 2015.06.12 402
37 설교 *박영규 총장 :노아의 후손 이마내리:"묘족" 에게 Admin 2015.06.11 545
36 요한 계시록 강해 2강 - 한요한 박사 Admin 2015.06.06 468
35 요한 계시록 강해 1강 - 한요한 박사 Admin 2015.06.06 413
34 논문 작성법 특강 - 윤승범 박사 Admin 2015.06.05 478
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