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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date Views
53 "A practical study of self-supporting mission for the world mission" - Woo Bhok Rhee Admin 2014.07.10 642
52 "A Research of Eschatology through the Recovery of Israeli State” Jin Sook Kim Admin 2014.05.19 599
51 "A Study for Seven Subjects of the Revelation" - In Cheol Ahn Admin 2014.07.10 768
50 "A Study of Faith life Based on the Holy Spirit" - Moses Jungho Seo Admin 2014.07.10 583
49 "A Study on Church Growth through Difference" - Ho Hyoun Youn Admin 2014.07.10 547
48 "A Study on Evangelical Theology and Evangelical Preaching" - Kyung Sook Park Admin 2014.07.10 723
» "A study on holistic pastoral counseling" - Hae Sook Park Admin 2015.12.22 1075
46 "A Study on mother's leadership for children's education with a pattern as the central of Israel Parents" - Yong Seob Kim Admin 2014.12.13 593
45 "A Study on the Day of Yahweh in Book of Amos at the Old Testament and Modern Mission" - Yong Gil Kim Admin 2014.12.13 589
44 "A Study on the evidence of Jesus through the Feast of Passover and unleavened bread" - Jong suk Seo Admin 2014.07.10 737
43 "A Study on the Mind of a Child and Heaven" - Hae Ok Yu Ryuda 2013.12.14 1701
42 "A Study on the Ministry and Settlement of the Early Church" - Sarah Hyunhee Yang Admin 2014.07.10 742
41 "A Study on the name of Yeshua Redemptive History" - Youngsik Ku Admin 2014.07.10 565
40 "A Study on the Strategic Plans for the Establishment of Identity as the 2nd Generation of Korean-American Immigrants toward World Mission" - Meung Hee Joung Ryuda 2013.12.14 1900
39 "Describe the Biblical purpose and attitude of pastor" - U.B. Admin 2015.12.22 2272
38 "The Effect of Difference on Social Welfares" - Jong Pal Bag Admin 2014.07.10 670
37 'Describe the Full Gospel and the Pentecostal' - Hae Sook Park Admin 2015.01.08 776
36 'Discuss the Pastorship of the Biblical Purpose and Attitude' - Doyle David Kim Admin 2015.01.09 2671
35 Full Gospel 과 Pentecostal을 논하라 (본문: 행2) - 양사라 전도사 Admin 2014.07.10 921
34 The Mission Strategy of Indochina Peninsula - “인도 차이나 반도의 선교 전략” Admin 2015.12.09 174
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